Ingemar was born on a snowy February-day in 1953. He got his first camera as s christmas-gift from his parents in 1961. it was the then newly introduced Kodak Instamatic 100 which was an ideal beginners camera. especially the film cassette that allowed easy loading and unloading of the film and provided simple transport to the lab for development and printing. the Instamatic was my main camera until 1967 when I bought a Canon FX for money that I earned from working during my spare time during summer leave from school. I managed to squeeze in a third-party 35mm f3,5 lens from Tokina into my limited budget at the time. Later added a canon 70-150mm zoom to the kit, which served me well until it was time to buy my first automated Canon SLR camera, an EOS650 with autofocus. with an increasingly more demanding job, photography had to take the back seat for many years. My first digital camera was purchased in Tokyo on a job trip. It was a Sony DSC-F55with a stunning 2.1 mega pixel sensor. Camera still works fine these days and I use it as a travel camera for snaphots. when i started to retire from my job in 2009 my first thought was to pick up photography as a serious hobby, now with a bigger budget i began to buy cameras that i had dreamed about 40 years earlier. first out was a used Hasselblad 503 CXI which was my introduction to the 120 film world, learned how to develop b&w film and ended up buying an old Imacon Flextight Precision ii scanner to scan and digitise my work, joined flickr in 2012 and have posted close to 2000 images there. my interest for used cameras lead me to buy various used cameras for 35mm, 4x5´´and 8x10” film.Digital cameras came back to me when buying a used phaseone digital back for my Hasselblad camera and today i shoot digital with Fujifilm X-T1 and a Hasselblad H4D 40mpix although my preference is to shoot with film.